Downtown Streetscape
A New Downtown Streetscape
The plan for a new Downtown Streetscape includes 22 foot wide sidewalks, reduced 11-foot travel lanes, 11 parking spaces remaining on Union Street including two new ADA accessible spaces, sharrow markings, new concrete sidewalks with brick paver accents, added street trees and landscaping, new smart light poles, decorative lighting, updated utilities, space allotted for public art and outdoor dining/cafes, designated loading/unloading zones, and pedestrian drop-off zones.
Below are before and conceptual after images representative of the final Downtown Streetscape design.
Downtown Streetscape
Project Timeline
For the most up to date information please visit our Construction Updates Page.
Summer 2024 – Construction crews move the fence north toward Killarney Avenue to complete the final phase of infrastructure and sidewalk work. The majority of the sidewalk work south of Cabarrus Avenue is complete.
Spring 2024 – Cabarrus Ave. intersection closes to through traffic. Infrastructure work continues within the intersection & sidewalk work continues north of Barbrick towards Cabarrus Ave.
Winter 2024 – Work Zone moves up to Cabarrus Ave. through Barbrick Ave. Utility work begins with new water line installation. Sidewalk work starts at Corban Ave working north.
Fall 2023 – Complete Utility Work between midblock and Corban Ave. Install new curbs, grading, base asphalt layer, and electrical/fiber conduits.
Spring/Summer 2023 – Utility Work on Union Street S including New Main Water Line, New Storm Drainage & Sewer Line Modifications
February 2023 – Union Street Closed for Streetscape Construction
Winter 2023 – Construction Resumes on Barbrick Avenue
Fall 2022 – Construction Begins on Market Street
December 2021 – Sealand Contractors awarded Construction
Summer/Fall 2021 – Construction Bidding Process
March 2019 – McGill Associates awarded Engineering Contract
October 8, 2019 – Options for Approval – City Council Work Session
July 9, 2019 – Demonstration & Survey Results – City Council Work Session
May 31-June 10, 2019 – Downtown Streetscape Survey
May 31-June 1, 2019 – Downtown Streetscape Demonstration
Project History
The Downtown Master Plan, adopted by City Council in August 2016, identified the completion of a new Downtown Streetscape as a catalytic project for downtown Concord. According to the plan, a new Downtown Streetscape will send a positive signal to the private market. It will incentivize the creation of outdoor cafes, adding life to the street and changing its perception, especially at night. The increased foot traffic and street life will attract new restaurants/nightlife and retailers, and make reuse of now-vacant upper stories more attractive to office and residential uses. The new streetscape will also increase property values and redevelopment opportunities downtown.
Interactive Demonstration
On Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June 1st of 2019, an interactive demonstration temporarily transformed a section of Union Street S near Gianni’s Trattoria and Cabarrus Creamery (16 and 21 Union Street S) to demonstrate new streetscape design ideas. The design options illustrated the look and feel of enhancements to sidewalk widths, outdoor dining and seating, street trees, and street parking travel lane widths. Citizens were invited to test drive streetscape improvements on Union Street and provide feedback.
From May 31st and June 10th of 2019, the City conducted a public input survey to gain feedback and project design input. Many of the responses received from the Survey aligned with those stated in the 2016 Downtown Master Plan.
Reoccurring themes based on public feedback were:
- More outdoor dining & entertainment options
- Trees/landscaping
- Incorporate connectivity (bike & pedestrian)
- Public gathering/event space
- Parking perceptions (enough vs. not enough)
- More residential living & small-scale grocery
- Public art + amenities
- Better accessibility
- 22-ft wide sidewalks
- 11-ft travel lanes
- 11 parking spaces on Union Street including two new ADA accessible spaces
- Designated loading/unloading zones, and vehicle drop-off zones
- Three additional ADA accessible parking spaces on Barbrick Avenue
- Sharrow markings
- Poured concrete sidewalks with brick paver accents
- Added street trees and landscaping
- New smart light poles
- Updated utilities
- Space for public art and outdoor dining