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Construction Updates

May 9, 2024 Streetscape Update

A lot of progress was made after three weeks of good weather! Despite the rain this week, streetscape crews managed to start installing 15″ storm drainage on the east side of Union between the Midblock and Cabarrus Ave. Sidewalk crews also started work north of the Courthouse Plaza, removing concrete pavers and grading sidewalks. Weather permitting, crews will continue working on storm drainage, fiber/electric conduit installation, and sidewalk work next week.

In case you missed it, Cabarrus Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic on Monday, May 20th for approximately two months. You can read more here: Closure Scheduled for Cabarrus Avenue Intersection in Downtown Concord

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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC