Construction Updates

May 5, 2023 Streetscape Update

Busy week this week to make up for the rain we had last week!

This week, streetscape crews completed storm drainage work between Barbrick Ave. and Corban Ave. in front of the Courthouse. They also tied roof drains in to the new storm drains from the old City Hall Annex – 66 Union St. S.

Next week, crews will work on tying the new main water line on Union St. S into the existing water lines at the Corban Ave. intersection. They will begin conducting soft digs in the intersection to scope out the location of existing utilities. Traffic control measures will be in place to keep Corban Ave. open to through traffic.

Following the work in the Corban Ave. intersection Streetscape Crews will start installing new water services connecting to the new main water line for the businesses on Union St between Corban Ave. and the Midblock Crosswalk.

To stay up to date with the Streetscape Project and what’s happening in Downtown Concord follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Backfill and Compaction at the Courthouse
Layout for Stormwater Drainage in front of the Courthouse
RCP at Courthouse under Existing Gas Main
3-in. Roof Drain tie-in at 66 Union St. S
Roof Drain tie-in for 66 Union St. S
Storm Drain Manhole #25
Temporary tie-ins to Future Curb Inlet #19

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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC