Construction Updates

May 12, 2023 Streetscape Update

We’re continuing to make progress on updating existing utilities as part of our new Downtown Concord Streetscape. While this work is underway, be sure to stop by and support your local shops and restaurants!

This week Downtown Streetscape crews conducted soft digs in the Corban Ave. intersection to scope out locations of existing utilities. They also continued storm drainage installation on Union St., working from Barbrick Ave. north towards the midblock crosswalk near the Courthouse Plaza.

Next week, crews will work on prepping the new 16” main water line before connecting it to the existing water lines at the Corban Ave. intersection. During this work, traffic control measures will be in place to keep Corban Ave. open to through traffic.

To stay up to date with the Streetscape Project and what’s happening in Downtown Concord follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

5 Foot Temporary Sidewalk near County Courthouse
Temporary Crosswalk on Union Street
Storm Drainage Construction on Union Street
Storm Drainage Pipe from Structure #19 to #20
Concrete Pad for Storm Water Structure #20
24-in Storm Drainage Pipe in Union Street
Compaction of Storm Drainage Pipe Ditch Line

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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC