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Construction Updates

March 1, 2024 Streetscape Update

Construction continues on Union Street with multiple Streetscape Crews on site.

This week, the Electrical Contractors were out installing conduit and pull boxes near the Courthouse Plaza. Waterline Crews continued with 2″ water service installation north of the Midblock Crosswalk. And sidewalk crews continued grading and started installing tree grates to prepare for concrete pours south of Barbrick Avenue.

Weather permitting, similar work will continue next week with water service installation north of the Midblock Crosswalk, conduit work towards Cabarrus Ave, and sidewalk work south of Barbrick Ave.

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Conduit Install at 57 Union St S for Kiosk
Conduit Tie-In at the Courthouse Plaza
Electrical Pull Box Installation
Grading for sidewalk on Union St S
Gradding for sidewalk on Union St S
New Tree Grate Installation
Water Service at 4 Union St S

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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC