Construction Updates

June 16, 2023 Streetscape Update

Good news for those who have traveled through the Union St. Corban Ave. intersection in the evenings, night work is complete and work is wrapping up today on patching the pavement!

Next week, crews will be back in the current work zone working during the day on finishing up the last connection of the new 16″ water line and start tying in new services for the businesses within the work zone. They will begin at Corban Ave. near the Auto Detailing location and move north towards Barbrick Ave.

The contractors goal is to get as much done as possible ahead of the County’s renovation of the existing 1975 Courthouse scheduled to begin at the end of the month.

To stay up to date with the Streetscape Project and what’s happening in Downtown Concord follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Upcoming Events include Social Saturday, June 17th 12-6pm and Art Walk, June 24th 10am-4pm!

Corban Ave Tunnel Under Electrical Duct
Backfill Flowable Fill for Water Line and Electrical Duct
Electrical Duct Bank
Tunnel under existing Electrical Duct Bank – required hand digging
End of New Water Line at Corban Ave and Union St
Corban Ave Asphalt Patch Complete


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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC