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Construction Updates

July 12, 2024 Streetscape Update

Downtown streetscape crews continue working hard on infrastructure work in the Cabarrus Avenue intersection. Water and sewer work is compelete in the intersection and crews have moved on to stormwater pipe installation.

Sidewalk work continues south of Cabarrus Avenue with paver installation at the Courthouse Plaza connection and the first 8 Ft of sidewalk on the east side of Union St completed this week. Crews also worked on granite restraint installation at the Midblock crosswalk near the Bicentennial Passageway in preparation of concrete pours scheduled early next week. Work continues on soil cell installation and retaining wall formwork as well.

🎅 Head Downtown tomorrow for Christmas in July, from 11 am to 3 pm!

To stay up to date on the Downtown Streetscape Project follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter)!

Resume Storm Drainage installation
Leveler for Heavy Duty Paver installation at the Courthouse Plaza
Heavy Duty Paver installtion at the Courthouse Plaza
Granite restraint installation at Midblock Crosswalk
Soil Cell installation for future Street Trees
Forming for Retaining Wall
Forming for Retaining Wall
First 8 Ft Sidewalk installation west side of Union Street
First 8 Ft Sidewalk in front of Novi Lofts


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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC