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January 3, 2025 Streetscape Update

Since our last update, Streetscape crews adjusted the roadway and curb radius at the NW corner of Corban Avenue creating a smoother transition for the pedestrian crossing. Crews also continued work on installing conduits at the Corban Avenue intersection.

Sidewalk crews also worked on grading the NE corner of Cabarrus Ave near Buzz City Games. Early next week, a concrete pour is scheduled for this area, impacting traffic movement through the intersection. Flaggers will direct traffic.

All light poles and landscaping have been installed throughout the construction area. Crews have started pressure washing the sidewalks at the north end near Killarney as part of the final clean-up of the site.

To stay updated on the Downtown Streetscape Project follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter)!

Adjusting road grade at Corban Ave
Adjusting curb radius at Corban Ave
Installation of base pavement at Corban Ave
Adjusting existing utilities in preparation of new sidewalks
Landscape installation north of Cabarrus Ave
Two-way traffic opened on Union Street


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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC