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Construction Updates

March 10, 2023 Streetscape Update

Storm drainage work is officially complete on Market Street! Since moving to Union Street, crews have laid a total of 214ft. of 16in. water main. We’re approximately 90% complete with the water main work between Corban Avenue and Barbrick Avenue. Next, crews will install a new fire hydrant at the intersection of Union Street and Barbrick Avenue and another at the Union Street and Corban Avenue.

Looking ahead, the goal is to install all the water main lines within the work zone from Corban Avenue to the midblock by early April.

If you look closely at the image displayed, you’ll notice a different shade of dirt between the pavement and red clay. This is a mixture of soil and old cobblestones from the original road!


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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC