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Construction Updates

April 14, 2023 Streetscape Update

This week, Downtown Streetscape crews installed 20 linear feet of sewer line within the construction work zone and completed pressure testing on half the newly installed 16″ main water lines to ensure they meet state testing requirements.

Next week, they will complete testing on the new main water lines, install a fire hydrant on Union Street near Means Plaza, and begin storm drainage work in front of the courthouse between Barbrick Ave and Corban Ave.

While this work is being completed, a portion of the sidewalk in front of the Courthouse will be closed. To better accommodate pedestrian access to the Courthouse and businesses during this work, the Contractor will be opening a temporary crosswalk near Means Avenue.

To stay up to date with the Streetscape Project and what’s happening downtown follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

View of the Streetscape with the three Novi Projects
View down Union Street from the Midblock Crosswalk
County Courthouse and Means Plaza
Temporary blow off for pressure testing of New 16″ Water Main
Backflow for Filling Water Main
Pump for testing of Water Main

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Concord Downtown 704-920-6130
30 Cabarrus Avenue W 28026 Concord, NC